مرجع تطبيق ML

سمات AppML HTML


<div appml-include-html="inc_header.htm"></div>

<table appml-data="customers.js" appml-controller="myController">
  <tr appml-repeat="records">

<div appml-include-html="inc_footer.htm"></div>
Attribute Description Explained
appml-controller Defines an AppML controller AppML Controllers
appml-data Defines the data source for an application AppML Data
appml-include-html Defines HTML to be included AppML Includes
appml-repeat Defines an HTML element to be repeated AppML Howto

رسائل AppML


function myController($appml) {
    if ($appml.message == "display") {
        if ($appml.display.name == "CustomerName") {
            $appml.display.value = $appml.display.value.toUpperCase();
Message Sent
ready After AppML is initiated, and ready to load data.
loaded After AppML is fully loaded, ready to display data.
display Before AppML displays a data item.
done After AppML is done (finished displaying).
submit Before AppML submits data.
error After AppML has encountered an error.

يتم شرح رسائل AppML في الفصل الخاص برسائل AppML .

نماذج AppML


"security": "admin",
"rowsperpage" : 10,

"database": {
    "connection": "mysql",
    "sql"       : "SELECT * FROM Customers",
    "orderby"   : "CustomerName"}},

"filteritems" : [
    {"item" : "CustomerName", "label" : "Customer"},
    {"item" : "City"},
    {"item" : "Country"}],

"sortitems" : [
    {"item" : "CustomerName", "label" : "Customer"},
    {"item" : "City"},
    {"item" : "Country"}]

خصائص نموذج AppML

Element Description
"data" Defines a flat file source for the model
"database" Defines a database source for the model
"filteritems" Defines filter restrictions
"rowsperpage" Defines number of rows to be fetched per page
"security" Defines the security for the model
"sortitems" Defines sorting restrictions

أمان التطبيق

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول كعضو في مجموعة "admin" ، للوصول إلى هذا التطبيق:


"security": "admin",
"database": {
    "connection": "mysql",
    "sql"       : "SELECT * FROM Customers",
    "orderby"   : "CustomerName"}

نماذج خاصة

يمكنك إضافة بياناتك الخاصة إلى النموذج.

يقترح هذا المثال قيودًا على البيانات:


"restrictions" : {
    "fname" : {"maxlength": 40},
    "price" : {"max": 999,"min": 100}

يمكن استخدام بيانات النموذج بواسطة تطبيقات الخادم وعن طريق وحدة تحكم AppML.

يستخدم هذا المثال بيانات النموذج للتحقق من صحة الإدخال:


function myController($appml) {
    if ($appml.message == "submit") {
        var price = document.getElementById("price").value;
        if (price < $appml.model.restrictions.price.min) {
            $appml.displayError(15, "Price too low!");