W3.CSS الصفحة الرئيسية W3.CSS مقدمة ألوان W3.CSS حاويات W3.CSS لوحات W3.CSS حدود W3.CSS بطاقات W3.CSS افتراضيات W3.CSS خطوط W3.CSS W3.CSS جوجل نص W3.CSS جولة W3.CSS حشوة W3.CSS هوامش W3.CSS عرض W3.CSS أزرار W3.CSS ملاحظات W3.CSS اقتباسات W3.CSS تنبيهات W3.CSS جداول W3.CSS قوائم W3.CSS صور W3.CSS مدخلات W3.CSS شارات W3.CSS علامات W3.CSS أيقونات W3.CSS W3.CSS مستجيب W3.CSS تخطيط الرسوم المتحركة W3.CSS تأثيرات W3.CSS أشرطة W3.CSS القوائم المنسدلة W3.CSS أكورديون W3.CSS W3.CSS التنقل W3.CSS الشريط الجانبي علامات تبويب W3.CSS W3.CSS ترقيم الصفحات أشرطة تقدم W3.CSS عرض شرائح W3.CSS W3.CSS مشروط W3.CSS Tooltips شبكة W3.CSS كود W3.CSS مرشحات W3.CSS اتجاهات W3.CSS حالة W3.CSS مادة W3.CSS التحقق من صحة W3.CSS إصدارات W3.CSS W3.CSS موبايل

ألوان W3.CSS

فئات ألوان W3.CSS W3.CSS لون المواد W3.CSS Color Flat UI W3.CSS Color Metro UI W3.CSS لون Win8 W3.CSS Color iOS W3.CSS لون الموضة مكتبات ألوان W3.CSS أنظمة ألوان W3.CSS ثيمات ألوان W3.CSS W3.CSS Color Generator

بناء الويب

مقدمة الويب ويب HTML Web CSS جافا سكريبت الويب تخطيط ويب فرقة الويب تقديم الطعام على شبكة الإنترنت مطعم ويب مهندس الويب


أمثلة W3.CSS عروض W3.CSS قوالب W3.CSS


مرجع W3.CSS تنزيلات W3.CSS

اتجاهات W3.CSS



كل عام سترى تقنيات واتجاهات الويب الجديدة.

في هذه الصفحة سنقدم لك بعض اتجاهات تصميم الويب الأكثر صلة.

تصميم شقة

بدأ اتجاه التصميم المسطح مع Windows Phone 7 و Windows 8 في عام 2010:

نوافذ البلاط

تبعتها Apple مع iOS 7 في عام 2013:

أيقونات آيفون

غالبًا ما يستخدم التصميم المسطح الألوان التي نعرفها من التسويق وعلامات الطريق والملاحظات اللاصقة:


لون أخضر



One big problem with flat design is to understand which areas are clickable.
What is the difference between an image and a clickable button?

Almost Flat Design (Flat 2.0)

Almost flat is a newer alternative to the original flat design.

Almost flat acquires more depth, brighter colors, complex shadows, and dimension.


Home Link 1 Link 2

Material Design

Since we might have reached the peak of flat design (with almost flat), many designers are expected to go for Material Design (Designed by Google in 2014).

Material Design uses elements that remind us of paper and ink. In addition the elements have realistic shadows and hover effects.


Most typical cards are rectangles with an image and some text.

Cards have become a common structure for organizing headlines, images, and text on an equal plane.

Cards can be small or large, with or without pictures, and with or without shadows:

الصورة الرمزية


Architect and engineer

John Doe

1 new friend request

الصورة الرمزية

CEO at Mighty Schools. Marketing and Advertising. Seeking a new job and new opportunities.



خمس دول

Cinque Terre. Liguria. Itali.

Cleaner Logos

Cleaner logos is a result of the popularity of flat design:

متصفح الجوجل
متصفح الجوجل


Easy to read. Easy to understand. Easy to design.

Our Customers


We know how to make our clients happy

Minimalism can go hand in hand with Almost Flat Design:

About Me


The term minimalist often refers to anything that is spare or stripped to its essentials.

Design minimalism can help simplify and improve designs as well.

Readable Typography

The natural typography of flat design is simple and easy to read.

Letter-spacing and line-spacing is typically larger.

Also expect increased font sizes in order to focus more on reader's attention.

Standard Serif

Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design. Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design. Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design.

Standard Sans Serif

Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design. Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design. Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design.

W3.CSS Typography

Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design. Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design. Simplicity and readability is the most important reason for flat design.

Readability is an important reason for the popularity of flat typography.

Full Screen Input

More and more sites are using full screen for inputs like signups and logins, instead of using only a small part of the page.

Full screen often uses a screen overlay or modal instead of redirecting to a new page.


Class Registration

Mobile First

Historically, web designers have developed web applications for computers first, and then added responsive web design to make sure the web looks good when viewed on a tablet or a phone.

This trend is shifting towards designing for mobiles first, and then add responsive design to make a site work on desktops and laptops.

50/50 is an easy way to achieve web design for responsive webs. With 50/50 design, the screen can show two pages on large screens and one page on narrow screens.

My Work

Some of my latest projects.

Just call me awesome.

About Me


Lorem ipusm sed vitae justo condimentum, porta lectus vitae, ultricies congue gravida diam non fringilla.

Swing By

..for a cup of coffee, or whatever.

Chicago, US

+00 1515151515

[email protected]



Large Hero Images

"Hero image" is a term used for a specific type of web banner.

A hero image is a large image, placed in the front of a web page. It often consists of both an image and some text, and it can be static or a rotating list of images.

The purpose of an hero image is to present the web site's most important content.


Brought to you by Captain Hook

Welcome to my Sailing Web

Sailing comprises wind propulsion of a craft by means of sails and steering it over water, ice or land, depending on the type of craft. A sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails by adjusting their angle with respect to the moving sailing craft and sometimes by adjusting the sail area. The force transmitted from the sails is resisted by forces from the hull, keel, and rudder of a sailing craft, by forces from skate runners for an iceboat, and by forces from wheels for a land sailing craft to allow steering a course on a point of sail with respect to the true wind. (Wikipedia)

Single Page

The web design trend shifts from regular clicking to vertical scrolling.

Scrolling allows users to see all the web content on the one page.

This single page technique has been used by social networks a long time, until somebody discovered that it suits other pages as well.